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President's Mid-Year Report

Posted 2 months ago

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Best wishes from Pamela Jane Nye, MS, APRN-CNS, FCNS, CNRN, SCRN, the President of the California Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists 2024. Please find attached my mid-year report. This year, the report has a dual purpose: first, to inform you of our accomplishments from January to July 2024, and second, to allow you to let your colleagues know of our good work.

Please feel free to forward this to your CNS friends and potential CNS students or pin it up on a bulletin board for others to enjoy. We welcome new members with a QR code to the website membership page on page 2. My contact information is below, I look forward to hearing from everyone. Enjoy your summer sunshine!

Pam Pamela Jane Nye, MS, APRN, CNS-BC, FCNS, CNRN, SCRN
President, California Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists
Associate Professor UCLA School of Nursing, NP/CNS Program
Cell: (310) 463-4137